Worship Ministry
Worship is the heart of our Christian Community at LPC
Ministry Team
Elder Pam Davis-Webb, Co-Chair - psdw44@gmail.com
Elder Chad Copenhaver, Co-Chair - chad.copenhaver1@gmail.com
Members: Karen Ball, Beth Bleile, Annie Ehrhart, Nancy Hill, Sue Ellen Johnson,
Robin Lind, Donna Metzinger, Dale Nordby, Larry Tremitiere, Micki Underwood, Rick Underwood, Ron Woolston, and Lila Wright,
Information about this week's worship service, as well as the current weeks bulletin can be found here.
Our Services
We hold services every Sunday morning at 10:30am.
Childcare is available at our 10:30am worship service.
Our Chancel Choir enriches our worship each week from September to May. Other special music is offered during the summer months while the Choir is on hiatus. From time to time we present special music during our services to enhance the worship experience. Our Jubilate Ringers Bell Choir plays each month on the 2nd Sunday from October until May.
We have recently installed a new state-of-the-art audio/visual system to promote optimal participation and engagement in Worship.
Our Sunday Worship Team Could Use Your Help!
The Worship Team is in need of regular (once a month) ushers for the 10:30am services as well as people who would be willing to serve as substitute ushers. Please contact Chad Copenhaver at chad.copenhaver1@gmail.com if you would be willing to help or if you would like more information.