Worship Ministry

Information about this week's worship service, as well as the current weeks bulletin can be found here.
Our 10:30 am Service
Services includes:
Responsive readings
Instrumental and Choral Music
The Lord's prayer
Affirming of our faith using various Creeds
Scripture-based Sermon
We celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, also known as Communion, on the first Sunday of each month.
Sermons utilize stories, theological reflection, poetry, and other tools to help us understand the meaning of God's word in its original setting and offer practical application for todays world.
Scripture readings each week are based on a set of readings used by many churches, known as the revised common lectionary.
LPC utilizes a variety of genres and instruments to glorify God through music, assist our congregation as they offer joyful praise, and provides opportunities for members to expand their musical gifts.
Adult Choir
LPC is truly blessed by our talented and devoted musicians, vocal and instrumental, under the direction of Dr. Robin Lind, and accompanied by organist Dr. Karen Ball.
The Chancel Choir is an integral part of the worship service. They provide an Introit and Anthem each Sunday. Other members and guest artists often lend their talents.
The choir is open to anyone who would like to lend their voice to this fun-filled, uplifting, and spirited group of singers. Reading music is not a requirement, but it is helpful. Rehearsals of the Choir are held on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm.
We welcome anyone who is interested in participating in our Music ministry to contact Robin Lind, Director of Music, at rlind@lowcountrypres.org. If you can count to four, like to laugh, enjoy chocolate and the joy of worshipping through music, then you qualify.
Bell Choir
Lowcountry Presbyterian is blessed to have a very active handbell choir, Jubilate Ringers, and an exceptional set of Schulmark bells, many of which have been donated by members of the congregation. They typically play in worship on the second Sunday of the month.
Rehearsals are about 1 hour in length and begin at 12:30PM on Tuesdays. If you cannot make a rehearsal or a Sunday service, we have a list of substitute ringers who are willing to take your place for the time you are away.
Our bulletin includes:
Instructions for each part of the service
Words for any creeds
Prayers that we will participate in together