Next Steps in the Transition
On January 22, the Session approved an Interim Nominating Committee (INC) which includes Clerk, Janit Maguire, Edler Jan Alpert (Personnel), and Elder Dale Wilkes (Membership).
Clerk, Janit Maguire reached out to Jeri Perkins, Pastor at John’s Island Presbyterian Church, who is our Committee on Ministry (COM) contact.
COM is looking for an Interim pastor within the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery to serve until a Senior Pastor can be called.
Jeri Perkins encouraged us to pursue a parallel path to conduct our own search for an Interim Pastor which your INC is doing.
Over the next few weeks, the INC will be spreading the word and contacting people outside of CAP who have served as interim pastors or are retired pastors who might be willing to serve on an interim basis.
COM will conduct an exit Interview with the Session in February and we will be providing information to them about the Mission of LPC.
Once an interim is in place, the congregation will work through various process necessary to begin a search for a settled pastor.
A separate Pastor Nominating Committee will later be voted on by the Congregation to search for a new pastor.
We will keep the congregation informed as we make progress.
Adjustments Within LPC
Associate Pastor, Dave Johnson will be leading worship more often and be supported by outside pastors preaching once a month or more when he takes vacation or participates in continuing education.
Rev. Dave Johnson has previously served as a Senior Pastor for UCC and at this stage in his life prefers to be an Associate Pastor, preaching, leading Bible Study, and serving members with pastoral visits and care.
Until an Interim Pastor is selected, Dave will serve as Session Moderator.
We all need to have faith, patience, and acceptance as LPC works through the Presbyterian process. Pray for the church leaders as they move us forward.
*Members are encouraged to elicit names of potential interim candidates from their contacts locally and nationally; and to pass them on to Session.