Your generosity changes lives in our church, community and the world. Our collective gifts make a powerful difference in the lives of others. As caring people and faithful followers of Christ, we are called to share our financial blessings for the greater good. Below are some of the ways you can financially support LPC. We also encourage you to make a commitment of your time to one of our missions, activities, or Bible study.
Mail a check to LPC
10 Simmonsville Rd. Bluffton, SC 29910
Give Online
Click here for a secure platform to give instantly
Automatic giving through your bank
Pledges from members and friends of the church provide for most of our annual operating budget. A pledge is a promise of financial support in the coming year.
Contact Treasurer, Taylor Evans (gtevansiii@yahoo.com), to make your personal or family pledge.
Pastor Intern Program (PIP)
The Pastor Intern Program funding will provide a monthly cash stipend to a Presbyterian Seminary student to spend a 6 to-12 month internship at LPC, working for and studying under the LPC Pastors. Contributions will be matched 50% by our donor with a goal of funding the Pastor Intern Program the first three years. For more information, please contact the Administration & Finance Ministry Elder Jan Alpert at janalpert@aol.com.
Building, Ground and Campus Endowment Funds
This newly created Endowment Fund will be primarily dedicated to accumulating and investing the principal of long-term gifts to match up with the long-term capital project needs to sustain our LPC buildings, grounds, and campus. For more information, please contact the Administration & Finance Ministry Elder Jan Alpert at janalpert@aol.com.
To make a one-time or recurring donation to the church you may use any option listed above: mail a check, give online (click here), or set-up a recurring payment through your bank.
You may also donate gifts of appreciated securities, such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds. This is an easy and tax-smart way to support the work of the church. Please contact Taylor Evans (gtevansiii@yahoo.com), Treasurer, or Jan Alpert (janalpert@aol.com), Finance Elder, for more information.
Change Can Make a Change
Each month LPC supports a different charitable organization that is listed in the church bulletin, newsletter, and on the missions ministry website page. Checks should be made payable to Lowcountry Presbyterian Church with CCMAC in the memo line, or you can give online here.
Planned Giving
Planned giving is a way that each of us can make a final tithe, a return to God of some portion of all that God has given to us. The practice of planned giving encourages us to look beyond our monthly budget and our annual pledge to consider the gifts we will make to the church when our need for worldly assets is done.
For many of us, our final gifts will be the most significant gifts we will ever make. We hope that you consider this church as your legacy—a blessing in your life, and one that you will gratefully pass along.
Gift in Your Will
Perhaps the simplest way to remember Lowcountry Presbyterian Church in your planned giving is through a bequest in your will. Almost any kind of gift you might leave to a beloved family member or friend—gifts of cash, stocks, mutual funds, life insurance, retirement funds, annuities and trusts—may also be left to the church.
Gift of Assets
Life insurance policies, retirement accounts, savings accounts and other assets are also potential avenues of providing for the church.
A life insurance policy that is no longer needed for your family’s security may be given to Lowcountry Presbyterian Church. You may name the church as a contingent beneficiary of an existing policy, or you may purchase a new policy and designate the church as the owner and beneficiary.
You may also designate the church as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or Individual Retirement Account (IRA). And if you have savings accounts, annuities or certificates of deposit, you might consider naming the church as beneficiary when assets are released after your death.
In addition to supporting the church, each of these avenues may provide meaningful tax benefits for you. We encourage you to speak with your attorney or financial advisor to determine how you can take advantage of any of these options.