Ministry Teams
Administration & Finance
Ministry Team
Elder Jan Alpert, Co-Chair ~
Mike Koch, Co-Chair -
Members: Tom Bloom, Tom Catanese, Taylor Evans, Craig Johnson, Janit Maguire
The Administration and Finance Ministry's purpose is "to develop and maintain effective administrative and personnel policies for LPC to promote an effective staff and to ensure compliance with laws affecting the operation of the church." In addition, it is charged with "ensuring that all financial proceedings of LPC are handled efficiently and properly."
Building & Grounds
Ministry Team
Elder Kevin MacCarthy, Chair ~
Members: Randy Aubrey, Sandy Benninger, Dave Casperson, Graham Painter, Bob Shumate, Jerry Wells
The mission of the Buildings and Grounds Ministry is to maintain our Church, Thomas Hall and grounds. Our ministry team meets monthly to decide what repairs and maintenance projects are needed. Small repairs are often handled by the team members themselves or church member volunteers. For larger projects bids are obtained and contracts for the work granted.
Ministry Team
Patti Rozonkiewiecz, Chair ~
Members: Lynn Cordy, Christy James, Kate McClain, Janit Maguire, Logan Garabato and Rev. Dave Johnson
The Communication Ministry's mission is to "spread the word" about LPC. Our team meets monthly to work on our bi-monthly newsletter, "The Light," weekly e-blast notices via email, website, brochures, our membership directory, social media, and ads for our local papers. We also send cards to some local, new home buyers.
Congregational Care
Ministry Team
Elder Fran Parker, Co-Chair ~
Elder Jerri Hanna, Co-Chair ~
Members: Lois Johnson, Jane Lundblad, Joann McElravy, Marie Pendleton and Chris Richards
The mission of the Congregational Care Ministry is to be a church family in action for our congregation. Through various ways, like prayer, knitting, crocheting, phone calls, and notes, we seek to celebrate, congratulate, and encourage, as well as listen to, grieve with, and minister to our congregation and those beyond our walls.
Ministry Team:
Elder Dale Wilkes, Chair -
Maureen Kalmbach, Co-Chair -
Members: Jan Catanese, Debi Franklin, Nancy Hill, Carol Hissom, Karen Johnson, Sue Ellen Johnson,
Gigi Johnston, Janis Lakin, Judy Placer, Larry Tremitiere, Ann Warren, Stanlee Way, Susan Zeleznik
The Membership Committee staffs the welcome desk to greet members and visitors, provide refreshments, and answer any questions about the Church. We assist new members in joining the church, follow up with them over the first few months of membership to answer questions and make new members feel welcome. Every quarter, we organize dinners, Fellowship Lunches, Dine Around groups, host lunches and dinners.
Faith Formation
Ministry Team
Elder Elaine Branda, Chair ~
Members: Sally Ayotte, Joe Franklin, Venus Holland, Rev. David Johnson, Alane Peragallo,
Bill Walker, Marjorie Wilno
Members and visitors alike are welcome to join any of our education classes for children and adults. We offer Sunday School, small groups, book studies, short-term Bible studies, and longer-term studies.
Ministry Team
Elder Anne Redlus, Chair ~
Members: Donald Allison, June Allison, Sandy Benninger, Jan Catanese, Sandy Iams,
Craig Johnson, Janit Maguire, Diane Mikkelson, Pam Norley, Debbie Sell, Paul Sell, and Dale Wilkes
The Missions team supports local missions and missions beyond. Our support is given through in-person volunteering, financial donations, and use of our church buildings.
We highlight an organization each month to support our “Change-Can-Make-A-Change” program, which accepts financial donations, as well as periodic drives for school supplies, shoes, and clothing.
Social Witness/Earth Care
Ministry Team
Gretchen Nickel & Jon Nickel, Co-leaders ~
Social Witness seeks to understand and apply the principles and character of the Christian faith to important social issues of our day including care for the earth, racial reconciliation, affordable housing, and more; and then educates and advocates for justice in our world.
Each year since 2019, The PC USA has awarded Lowcountry Presbyterian Church Earth Care Congregation status. Each year, we continue to find new ways of acting responsibly with God’s creation.
Ministry Team
Elder Pam Davis-Webb, Co-Chair -
Elder Chad Copenhaver, Co-Chair -
Members: Karen Ball, Beth Bleile, Annie Ehrhart, Nancy Hill, Sue Ellen Johnson,
Robin Lind, Donna Metzinger, Dale Nordby, Larry Tremitiere, Micki Underwood,
Rick Underwood, Ron Woolston, and Lila Wright,
The Worship Committee supports the services every Sunday at 10:30 am. Services include our Chancel Choir, Jubilate Ringers Bell Choir, and other special music.
Our state-of-the-art audio/visual system promotes optimal participation, engagement in Worship. We also do a livestream that averages over 200 weekly views through Facebook, YouTube and our Website. It helps us reach those who are unable to attend services due to health, distance or other factors, attend in-person services.
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A useful way to keep track of the activities of LPC on YouTube including all virtual worship services, video devotionals, some online Bible studies, and more!
Click the link above or you go to and search "Lowcountry Presbyterian Church” to find our LPC page. Click the red “Subscribe” button to the right and that’s it! Feel free to peruse old worship services and rewatch our weekly devotionals.